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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Diagnosis of cancer can be shattering leaving the victim with the feeling that the end is near. It is like having a time bomb in the body not knowing when it will explode. But cancer does not always necessarily have to be fatal; so much depends on the grade (type of cancer and how dangerous it is) and stage (meaning whether it’s the beginning stage, intermediate or final) Even when your doctor advises that it is terminal, does not always necessarily mean that death is imminent. It does not always have to be hopeless.
In this article, we will discuss about what cancer really is and what causes cancer and more importantly what can you do about it.
No doubt, the initial shock of the diagnosis can be nerve shattering. But try to overcome it. After the initial shock, try to be calm because a confused mind will not help. The internet offers a wealth of information on the more appropriate and more effective type of conventional treatment and or alternative therapies for your condition. Creating a strong positive mental attitude can help a lot. Never, out of fear; rush into any treatment suggested by your doctors or specialist. They only know one type of treatment and that is invariably chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.
Most importantly, follow a structured holistic health programme with the right type of nutritional supplements to improve your health and well being on the healing journey.
You have to take control:
In another word, you have to take charge and although you cannot dispense with hospital’s treatments, you would also have to do your own research and understand the real meaning of cancer.
Cancer is a process within the body and it normally takes years for a tumour to develop. Cancer is therefore not a lump or a simple tumour! It is that process which was started by a weakening of the body and or the immune system to start with that can affect or infect the adjacent part of the body and unless properly addressed will eventually overtake or overcome one’s body.
The fundamental difference between a healthy tissue and a cancerous tissue is that healthy tissues respond well to adjacent or neighbouring tissues and undergoes apoptosis. When a cell does not respond to apoptosis meaning that it is not “obedient”, or does not comply with the rules of the programmed cellular system, other functioning of the cells become defective.
The cells are regulated by a system located in the pancreas. The pancreas excretes proteolytic enzymes which are the backbone of the immune system and the rest of the body. But our bodies also produce defective cells daily. Fortunately, such cells are destroyed by the pancreatic enzymes which in addition to killing off the defective cells are also used to digest foods. Simply put, cancer is therefore the failure of one’s pancreas to produce adequate enzymes and the failure of one’s body to deliver
Natural Fear of Cancer? The word cancer strikes fear in the heart of everybody. Having it is like having a time bomb in the human body. Even animals have it. It has been around for centuries but only during the second half of the 20th Century did we witness an explosion. But it is definitely on the rampage over the last few years of the 21st century. At least one out of every three persons in developed countries is a potential candidate for cancer. Contributing to this explosion are the enormous amount of stress, toxins, pollutants, processed foods that robbed them of their enzymes, electromagnetic stress, junk foods and prolonged use of certain types of prescribed medication that was not around a decade ago.
Cancer is not a mysterious disease that suddenly appears; it is a process (emphasis added) that takes many years to happen. It has definite causes and one can correct it if one has enough time and if one takes positive action to change the internal environment to one that creates health and not cancer while at the same time attacking cancerous cells by capitalising on their weaknesses.
Cancer starts when more cancerous cells are created than an overworked, depleted immune system can destroy.Cancer_Cell
Has anyone stricken with cancer ever wondered or enquired why their oncologists never or hardly ever bothered to recommend a range of supplements to help them improve their chances of recovery whilst on cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy?
The scope of this chapter does not enable or entitle us to go into the actual reasons but suffice to add, nutritional supplements especially those that increase the strength of the immune system and those with cancer destroying abilities would double your chances of a successful recovery. Having said that, it is not the simple taking of supplements; it matters how to take them in their appropriate dosage coupled with the right quality combined with the appropriate treatment that one's chances can be assured!
Please ensure that the supplements and enzymes that you take are of pharmaceutical quality.
The operation is a success! Time and again, we hear surgeons announcing that the operation is a "success". What is really meant is that the surgeon has "successfully" removed the tumour. Much of the time, the operation is always a "success" but the successful removal of a tumour or any tumour is no indication that the patient who is already weakened by the cancer and who will undergo weeks or months of either chemotherapy or radiation will survive or have a speedy recovery. The body continues to weaken by the onslaught of chemotherapy and the already battered immune system give way to more cancers that quickly spread to the other parts of the body. Second time around, the cancer usually bounce back with a vengeance, that is to say, it has already developed some sort of an immunity against the chemo drugs that was used in the first place. As a result stronger chemo- drugs have to be used and as a further consequence the human body cannot stand the further onslaught and finally give way. Most cancer patients die this way! Let’s ask if the "successful" removal of a tumour will in itself cure the cancer? To reiterate, cancer is a process and it is not confined to a tumour alone. The "successful" removal of a tumour therefore will not in itself solve the problem; on the other hand all forms of operations carry with it a certain degree of risks. In the first place, it involves cutting into deep tissues and is therefore invasive but what is important and pertinent to note that is surgery in itself could promote or increase the chance of further metastasis (spreading) and that is because there is no way the surgeon can prevent the cancerous cells within the tumour to spread into the blood stream once it is surgically cut.cancer_surgey
Unless the tumour obstructs or impedes the body's vital functions or disrupt the organ's functions, we would prefer to leave it alone. That remains our philosophy! We are not saying that surgery is not necessary. We are saying that until and unless absolutely necessary, we would prefer to leave it alone and that is also because after a major surgery, the body will be weakened further by the onslaught of a major operation. Consider this further. Conventional wisdom regards cancer as a tumour and continues to attack it with chemotherapy or radiation. When a tumour is reduced by 10%, conventional wisdom would regard it as a failure and continues to attack it with more chemotherapy. When the tumour is finally reduced by 50% in size and the patient dying, conventional wisdom would consider it a "success". On the other hand, if there is a reduction in size no matter how slight and there is a response, say 10% and so long as the patient remains generally healthy without any metastasis (spreading) and the size of the tumour contained, we would regard the treatment as a success. This accounts for the difference in approach and thinking.
breast_cancerSimilarly, let’s ask if total removal of a breast in breast cancer is the answer? To do so, we would have to go back to the root cause of the cancer. What causes the breast cancer in the first place? There are no hard and fast rules because many a times, it is necessary to have a mastectomy (total removal of the breast) and in certain cases a lumpectomy, a partial removal. We have our reservations about a total mastectomy or even a lumpectomy when the tumour is at zero stage or even Stage One, that is to say at its very earliest stage and that is because surgery at this earliest stage without addressing the root cause of the problem is not addressing the problem! Hyperthermia or some other less invasive therapies coupled with nutritional therapy may be the best solution at this very stage. On the other hand, surgery with follow up of chemotherapy and radiation will simply postpone the inevitable!
We are not saying that conventional methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are useless when it comes to fighting cancer. On the contrary, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are often necessary to weaken the tumour or the cancer to enable the immune system to take over. Insofar as this is concerned, there is no hard and fast rule.

The ideal situation is to have a good hospital that practise the best in conventional and Chinese medicine and Nutritional Therapy. We know of many such good hospitals in China that would allow or encourage a patient to be on nutritional therapy in addition to conventional treatments.
Some recommended therapies include:
  •  immunotherapy and interventional therapy
  •  cryosurgery
  •  iodine seeds implantation
  •  gene therapy
  •  hyperthermia (sending deep heat into the tumour)
 The above routinely practiced in most cancer hospitals in China. These modalities are not unknown in the developed countries but they are not routinely practised because of political reasons. We also have to ask ourselves why they are not routinely practised or administered. Combined with the nutritional therapy that we practise on a regular basis and our extensive and practical knowledge, the patient's chance of a survival can be doubled if not trebled.


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